Daca moda este hobby-ul tau, probabil ca vei fi mereu cu ochii pe reviste de moda de top. In afara de brunchuri si petreceri, sa te intinzi pe canapea cu o revista de moda buna este o alta distractie preferata printre multe. De asemenea, nicio aplicatie digitala nu poate invinge satisfactia de a rasfoi paginile moi matasoase ale revistei tale preferate.
Inainte de aparitia influentelor de moda pe Instagram si YouTube, editii precum Vogue si Cosmopolitan au fost cele mai noi idei de tinute. Ele sunt inca una dintre cele mai bune surse pentru rubricile celebritatilor si actualizarile stilului de viata. Glisati in sus pentru a explora lista noastra de reviste de moda populare!
Top reviste de moda din lume
1. Vogue

Aceasta este, fara indoiala, cea mai faimoasa revista de moda din lume – se afla in fruntea tuturor topurilor. Vogue a fost publicat pentru prima data in 1892 ca un ziar saptamanal care s-a transformat incet intr-o revista de moda. A fost preluata de Editura Conde Nast in 1909, al carei accent s-a indreptat catre femei. A inceput sa devina mai mare (chiar daca este unisexual), acoperind o serie de rubrici pentru femei. Preluarea lui Anna Wintour in 1988 a fost o poveste de intoarcere pentru Vogue . Cu 11 milioane de abonati si care se intinde in 23 de tari, continua sa dicteze lumea modei si tendintele acesteia. A prezentat unii dintre cei mai importanti designeri de moda din lume.
Unul dintre motivele popularitatii de durata a Vogue este angajamentul sau de a prezenta cele mai recente tendinte si modele din lumea modei. Revista ofera o acoperire aprofundata a prezentarilor de moda, a profilurilor de designeri si a stirilor din industrie, oferind cititorilor o perspectiva din interior asupra lumii modei.
2. Ea
Elle is a French magazine that was started in 1945 with the sole focus on women’s fashion. It means ‘she’ or ‘her’ in French. A few years into publishing, it started a campaign slogan that translated into ‘If she reads, she reads Elle’, which gained traction and slowly turned it into the giant it is today. Having started in the United States, Elle is now published in 44 countries with a focus on fashion and all other things exciting for women. Many fashion models desire to be featured in this coveted magazine as it is a sure shot way for them to become popular.
3. Harper’s Bazaar
Harper’s Bazaar, started in 1862, is America’s first fashion magazine that targeted the upper middle class by publishing content that is polished, informative, and thought provocative. From the latest trends and runway shows to fashion updates in both casual and couture, the editorial covers exciting content. It transitioned from weekly publishing to a monthly magazine and is now into blogs and other digital platforms. Headquartered in New York, the magazine is published in 32 countries.
4. Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan, popularly known as ‘Cosmo’, stays true to its name by publishing women-centric content everywhere. With 64 international editions published in 35 countries and 110 languages, Cosmo is truly global. It started as a family magazine in 1886 and slowly evolved into a lifestyle magazine by the 1960s. The magazine got a facelift with Helen Gurley taking it over in 1965 and publishing groundbreaking content related to fashion, sex, relationships, feminism, and all things that were considered taboo. ‘Fun Fearless Feminism’ became the magazine’s theme. This fashion brand spread like wildfire and started flying off the stands like no other – and it continues to do so.
5. BoF – Business Of Fashion
Business of Fashion is indeed a coming-of-age magazine started in 2007 by Imran Amed. It is the new kid on the block that garnered massive subscription and loyalty in a short period, right from students, editors, and stylists to everyone else who truly believes in fashion. BoF focuses on content that is authoritative and has an agenda that is rightly called ‘The Economist of Fashion.’ If you are a fashion enthusiast who is interested in the inside stories of what goes into making real fashion trends, setting patterns, and influencing the economy – BoF is the magazine you need to get your hands on!
6. W

W, founded in 1972, is an American magazine known for its authentic and thought-provoking content on culture, fashion, celebrity news, lifestyle, etc. It is yet another giant that was taken over by Conde Nast publishers in 2000 and is headed by Stefano Tonchi. It is known for engaging in content that most magazines usually steer away from. This is the reason it gained popularity, and this is also the reason it got slack for controversial columns and features.
7. InStyle
InStyle is a go-to for not just women but everyone with interest in lifestyle and fashion. It is one of those few editorials that is equally known for hard copies and blogs. Ariel Foxman, who joined InStyle 25 years ago, was the head of content until Laura Brown took over a couple of years ago. InStyle is in 16 countries and is distributed internationally. Whether it is celebrity styling tips, hair makeover, lifestyle choices, or fashion advice that you need – turn to InStyle!
8. Allure
Allure is an American magazine and a brand that primarily focuses on beauty, health, and wellness for women. It is one editorial that is not new to anyone who has a habit of stopping by at the newsstands. Founded by Linda Wells in 1991, Allure went through an overhaul over the next few years in terms of cultural content and vital (but straightforward) details like the sizing, etc. With an average viewership of 8 million online and over 5 million subscribers, Allure has enjoyed the trust of its consumers since its inception.
9. Numero
Numero was founded in 1998 by Elisabeth Dijan with an intent to create content and raise its standards to match the needs of smart, intellectual, and intelligent women. With a host of topics from fashion, lifestyle, design, music, and art – it continues to be one of the most influential publications since its inception.
10. V
V, founded by Cecilia Dean, started in 1998 as a limited edition magazine, publishing lifestyle and fashion content every quarter. It has four seasonal releases that predominantly cover the changing trends in culture, music, fashion, etc. Stephen Gan was known as a Creative Visionary Head for the magazine, which encourages free reign for artists and fashionistas and showcases unique voices through groundbreaking columns and images that otherwise go unheard. With over 3 million subscribers, their quest for unique stories continues to grow.
11. Grazia
Grazia, Italy’s top runner in fashion and lifestyle, published its first edition in 1938. Unlike most magazines, Grazia uniquely blends fashion, lifestyle, and arts with current affairs, news, and economy. Its unique approach gained sophisticated and dynamic readers, both in the digital and offline communities. It is spread across 5 continents, 20 editions, and has a total readership of 35 million. Grazia continues to bring unexplored subjects and unravel stories in a way you do not get elsewhere.
12. Marie Claire
Evelyn Prouvost, a fashion industry legend, founded Marie Claire in 1937 to explore her insatiable curiosity for culture and lifestyle. It won readers from the get-go as her first edition sold over half a million copies, and the second one doubled the number. The magazine did not just talk about fashion shows, trends, culture, and art but was also the voice of women in the rapidly changing times after World War II. It brought fashion and responsible journalism together and piqued people’s interest. It has continued to grow ever since and is currently distributed in 35 countries and 24 languages.
13. Vanity Fair
Another magazine and yet another big name under the Conde Nast’s umbrella! It first started in 1913, ran for two decades until 1936, and had a revival in 1983 after Conde Nast took over. Vanity Fair boasts of the leadership and guidance of legends over the years, which explain its originality and unparalleled standards. It is treasured by industry experts, new age fashion bloggers, fashion enthusiasts, and everyone else with interest in lifestyle, art, and fashion.